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      SmokeStop Egress

      • Address:Unit 2 7-11 Parraweena Road Taren Point NSW 2229
      • Phone:(02) 9526 3100
      • Fax:(02) 9526 3111
      • Email:sales@greenefire.com.au

      SmokeStop is an automatically deploying smoke curtain designed to control the spread of smoke in a building. A smoke curtain is a device that controls the movement of smoke during a fire by directing the smoke towards mechanical or natural ventilation points. Traditionally smoke curtains have been used as an integral part of a naturally ventilated building however smoke curtains are proving to be a cost effective solution in conjunction with mechanical ventilation. The SmokeStop Active Smoke Barrier is an automatic smoke curtain which comprises of technologically advanced fire-resistant fabric roller barriers encased in a compact steel housing. For more detailed information on how the SmokeStop is a good fit for you, click on the links provided below.


      A 24v electromagnetic brake holds the fire curtain open. Closing is by gravity at a controlled speed of 0.06 – 0.15m/s. Opening is driven by one or more 24vDC tubular motors mounted within the barrel. Test is performed by a simple key switch operator. The system is reset manually by pressing the reset button on the control panel. Automatic reset is available.


      Standard bottom bar is Jumbo which is a triangular shaped bar 40mm wide. Also available is the ‘T’ bar and operable ceiling interface systems (SLAT) in 150mm and 75mm profiles.


      Smoke leakage tested to En12101-1 Annex C  
      Single roller fabric 0.5m³/m²/hr
      400mm overlap positive pressure 0.5m³/m²/hr
      400mm overlap negative pressure 17.06m³/m²/hr


      Side guides are only required if the designer requires a 0mm edge gap at the sides. Standard side edge gap for SmokeStop is 20mm and the headbox edge gap is 0mm. For longer drop smoke curtains the edge gap could be as large as 60mm.


      For Further Reference please read the documents provided below. If you wish to obtain further information regarding our Smoke Ventilation Systems, please contact us at (02) 9526 3100, or email us at sales@greenefire.com.au. Alternatively, you can speak to us in person at  Greene Fire Pty Limited, Level 2 381 Port Hacking Road Caringbah, NSW 2233.